1300 photos
Visitors 819

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Address2972 N 2nd St
St. Augustine, FL 32084
United States
Daytime phone904-347-1581
Evening phone904-347-1581
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Hi all! Just a short note to let you know about me. I am the proud mother of 3 and grandmother of 6! I live in St. Augustine Florida with my husband Matt. About 5 years ago I decided to turn this hobby of photography into a business with the goal of capturing those moments that are gone all to quickly in our daily lives. In this world we live in its all about rushing around and sometimes we forget to ...well stop and smell the roses. These times pass to quickly and we need to preserve them. My own children grew fast and I wished I had I taken more time to document those everyday events as well as those special occasions. Although I do remember those moments what happens if I am not around to tell future generations. The first day of life, that exact moment a new moms eyes meet baby's or your great grandmothers 90 birthday. Or just a day in the park. These are the moments I long to capture for others. to capture those real moments so you will not only remember them but you can pass those memories along to others.

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68 photos
Created 31-Oct-16
Modified 31-Oct-16